Backed into a Corner

Following events of the past few days, I have felt the need to comment on not only the Supreme Courts decision on gay marriages, but on many other events that led up to Friday’s major decision.  I realize there may be little connection in all the events, however they are too many to not pay attention to.  My desire to speak out began when ISIS began beheading Christians.  They continue to perform atrocities that many are not reporting.  We saw the incidents in Ferguson, Baltimore, McKinney and Charleston.  This week we have seen our Nation’s Supreme Court deliver two decisions, that honestly prove rational thought has been replaced by camouflaged emotional world views. Also Greece banks are not opening on Monday, leading to what?  Too many events taking place in my opinion, that lead to serious problems for our country and way of life.  Wait a minute, do I dare mention the Confederate Flag?

After Friday’s decision my deminor has changed and I found myself saying enough is enough.  I as a Christian am backed into a corner, I have been quiet, kept to myself for much too long now.  This actually is where the world preferred me to hide out.  Am I alone?  Definitely not.  Many Christians find themselves this weekend in the same position.  The world has asked us to be silent, to keep our faith, our God, our Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ confined in a non-public atmosphere.  Honestly it has done a good job of that as the Church frankly has become complacent and comfortable in it’s environment.  There is just one problem, faithful and true, Bible believing, Scripure believing Christians have never stopped believing in the Word of God.  If the world wanted to believe a message other than the truth, then fine, have it your way.  However on Friday, our Government told us we are wrong, that God is wrong, and that the Word of God is wrong.  It has backed God into a corner, the Church into a corner, all Christians into a corner.  And if that weren’t enough the rainbow symbol, originally God’s covenant sign to Noah, was projected onto the White House, a victory celebration for one group, but seen by another group as a discrace, and disrespect to God and our country.  

The Church may have been in a slumber, but now I rejoice in the fact that God has orchestrated events in such way that only he can do, that we, the Church are being awakened to present His agenda, His way.  Christ’s message to me, to all Christians in this situation is to follow His Word not the world’s, not even the Government of the United States of America.  His message also tells me that this message will not be liked, that I will be persecuted for my obedience to Him.  The country that I love has put me in this position, a position that I can not except.  The world wanted me to stay quiet, but I cannot do that, as now God’s Word must be defended.  I fear the world will not like the results of awakening a slumbering Church it put to sleep.  Thus the reality of us in the Church expecting an elevation of persecution from this point on.  

All this in consideration I do recognize and wholly understand that Christians do not, and have not always responded well, or acted in a Godly manner when it comes to interacting in the lives of homosexuals, we must react in a more loving manner to all people we interact with.  To those who support this decision, also to those who are gay, please hear me out, I do not hate you and my comments are not said in anger.  They simply are stating the facts as how I see them.  I also mention in all fairness if a person does not believe in God the facts are, well, unbelievable.  To an individual who may label me as what they assume to be a hate filled begit I honestly ask the question, do you really know me?  I have a hard time understanding the homosexual stance and from what I gather, the gay community doesn’t understand my Christian  stance.  Making matters even more confusing is there are two Christian views out there, one accepting homosexuality based on a progressive and changeable word of God, and another Christian stance based on a definitive truthful message found in God’s Word.  We could spend multiple pages explaining these differences so I will save that topic for another time.  In the mean time we have multiple issues that we should all agree need to be addressed.  As I mentioned in the opening statement we have an enemy today that hates all of us, and would stop at nothing to kill us.  As we debate this issue real harm and terror could find its way to us and we would find ourselves defending one another’s lives.  Truthfully it grieves me to hear of what is happening to gays in other parts of the world by ISIS, and naturally I ask what can we all do to help protect them?  Race issues continue to keep the country divided, and with financial concerns of Greece in the near futur we may be more concerned about our next paycheck than who is or isn’t being married by whom.  Also I have noticed comments that a gay couples marriage has nothing to do with me, that it has no impact on my personal life.  I pray the words messaged in this article will help explain my Christian stance on the issue and know that I personally will continue praying for all people, in all nations, in fact the world that we would mutually come to an understanding that the Gay community will feel loved and respected by the Christian community, that extremists on both sides would be stopped from spreading negativity, hate and destroying people’s lives or businesses.  

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